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package deployment

import (

	apps "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
	deploymentutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/controller/deployment/util"

// rolloutRolling implements the logic for rolling a new replica set.
func (dc *DeploymentController) rolloutRolling(ctx context.Context, d *apps.Deployment, rsList []*apps.ReplicaSet) error {
	newRS, oldRSs, err := dc.getAllReplicaSetsAndSyncRevision(ctx, d, rsList, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	allRSs := append(oldRSs, newRS)

	// Scale up, if we can.
	scaledUp, err := dc.reconcileNewReplicaSet(ctx, allRSs, newRS, d)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if scaledUp {
		// Update DeploymentStatus
		return dc.syncRolloutStatus(ctx, allRSs, newRS, d)

	// Scale down, if we can.
	scaledDown, err := dc.reconcileOldReplicaSets(ctx, allRSs, controller.FilterActiveReplicaSets(oldRSs), newRS, d)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if scaledDown {
		// Update DeploymentStatus
		return dc.syncRolloutStatus(ctx, allRSs, newRS, d)

	if deploymentutil.DeploymentComplete(d, &d.Status) {
		if err := dc.cleanupDeployment(ctx, oldRSs, d); err != nil {
			return err

	// Sync deployment status
	return dc.syncRolloutStatus(ctx, allRSs, newRS, d)

//1. 调用getAllReplicaSetsAndSyncRevision函数获取所有的副本集并同步修订版本。
//2. 将获取到的所有副本集添加到allRSs切片中。
//3. 调用reconcileNewReplicaSet函数尝试增加新副本集的副本数,如果成功则更新部署状态。
//4. 如果上一步成功,则调用syncRolloutStatus函数更新部署状态。
//5. 否则,调用reconcileOldReplicaSets函数尝试减少旧副本集的副本数,如果成功则更新部署状态。
//6. 如果上一步成功,则再次调用syncRolloutStatus函数更新部署状态。
//7. 检查部署是否完成,如果完成则调用cleanupDeployment函数清理旧的副本集。
//8. 最后,调用syncRolloutStatus函数更新部署状态。

func (dc *DeploymentController) reconcileNewReplicaSet(ctx context.Context, allRSs []*apps.ReplicaSet, newRS *apps.ReplicaSet, deployment *apps.Deployment) (bool, error) {
	if *(newRS.Spec.Replicas) == *(deployment.Spec.Replicas) {
		// Scaling not required.
		return false, nil
	if *(newRS.Spec.Replicas) > *(deployment.Spec.Replicas) {
		// Scale down.
		scaled, _, err := dc.scaleReplicaSetAndRecordEvent(ctx, newRS, *(deployment.Spec.Replicas), deployment)
		return scaled, err
	newReplicasCount, err := deploymentutil.NewRSNewReplicas(deployment, allRSs, newRS)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	scaled, _, err := dc.scaleReplicaSetAndRecordEvent(ctx, newRS, newReplicasCount, deployment)
	return scaled, err

//该函数是一个用于协调新 ReplicaSet 的函数,它会根据新 ReplicaSet 和 Deployment 的规格来决定是否需要进行缩放操作。
//1. 首先,函数会比较新 ReplicaSet 和 Deployment 规格中的副本数。如果它们相等,说明不需要进行缩放操作,函数直接返回 false 和 nil。
//2. 如果新 ReplicaSet 的副本数大于 Deployment 的副本数,说明需要进行缩放操作。
//函数会调用 dc.scaleReplicaSetAndRecordEvent 方法来缩小新 ReplicaSet 的规模,并返回缩放结果和可能的错误。
//3. 如果新 ReplicaSet 的副本数小于或等于 Deployment 的副本数,并且存在其他 ReplicaSet,
//那么函数会调用 deploymentutil.NewRSNewReplicas 方法来计算新 ReplicaSet 应该拥有的副本数。
//4. 最后,函数会调用 dc.scaleReplicaSetAndRecordEvent 方法来调整新 ReplicaSet 的规模,并返回缩放结果和可能的错误。

func (dc *DeploymentController) reconcileOldReplicaSets(ctx context.Context, allRSs []*apps.ReplicaSet, oldRSs []*apps.ReplicaSet, newRS *apps.ReplicaSet, deployment *apps.Deployment) (bool, error) {
	logger := klog.FromContext(ctx)
	oldPodsCount := deploymentutil.GetReplicaCountForReplicaSets(oldRSs)
	if oldPodsCount == 0 {
		// Can't scale down further
		return false, nil
	allPodsCount := deploymentutil.GetReplicaCountForReplicaSets(allRSs)
	logger.V(4).Info("New replica set", "replicaSet", klog.KObj(newRS), "availableReplicas", newRS.Status.AvailableReplicas)
	maxUnavailable := deploymentutil.MaxUnavailable(*deployment)
	//oldRSs旧的ReplicaSet对象的切片、newRS新的ReplicaSet对象和deployment Deployment对象。

	// Check if we can scale down. We can scale down in the following 2 cases:
	// * Some old replica sets have unhealthy replicas, we could safely scale down those unhealthy replicas since that won't further
	//  increase unavailability.
	// * New replica set has scaled up and it's replicas becomes ready, then we can scale down old replica sets in a further step.
	// maxScaledDown := allPodsCount - minAvailable - newReplicaSetPodsUnavailable
	// take into account not only maxUnavailable and any surge pods that have been created, but also unavailable pods from
	// the newRS, so that the unavailable pods from the newRS would not make us scale down old replica sets in a further
	// step(that will increase unavailability).
	// Concrete example:
	// * 10 replicas
	// * 2 maxUnavailable (absolute number, not percent)
	// * 3 maxSurge (absolute number, not percent)
	// case 1:
	// * Deployment is updated, newRS is created with 3 replicas, oldRS is scaled down to 8, and newRS is scaled up to 5.
	// * The new replica set pods crashloop and never become available.
	// * allPodsCount is 13. minAvailable is 8. newRSPodsUnavailable is 5.
	// * A node fails and causes one of the oldRS pods to become unavailable. However, 13 - 8 - 5 = 0, so the oldRS won't be scaled down.
	// * The user notices the crashloop and does kubectl rollout undo to rollback.
	// * newRSPodsUnavailable is 1, since we rolled back to the good replica set, so maxScaledDown = 13 - 8 - 1 = 4. 4 of the crashlooping pods will be scaled down.
	// * The total number of pods will then be 9 and the newRS can be scaled up to 10.
	// case 2:
	// Same example, but pushing a new pod template instead of rolling back (aka "roll over"):
	// * The new replica set created must start with 0 replicas because allPodsCount is already at 13.
	// * However, newRSPodsUnavailable would also be 0, so the 2 old replica sets could be scaled down by 5 (13 - 8 - 0), which would then
	// allow the new replica set to be scaled up by 5.
	minAvailable := *(deployment.Spec.Replicas) - maxUnavailable
	newRSUnavailablePodCount := *(newRS.Spec.Replicas) - newRS.Status.AvailableReplicas
	maxScaledDown := allPodsCount - minAvailable - newRSUnavailablePodCount
	if maxScaledDown <= 0 {
		return false, nil
	//1. 一些旧的副本集存在不健康的副本,可以安全地缩容这些不健康的副本,因为这不会进一步增加不可用性。
	//2. 新的副本集已经扩容并且其副本变为就绪状态,那么可以在进一步的步骤中缩容旧的副本集。
	//然后通过公式maxScaledDown = allPodsCount - minAvailable - newRSUnavailablePodCount 计算出最大可缩容数maxScaledDown。

	// Clean up unhealthy replicas first, otherwise unhealthy replicas will block deployment
	// and cause timeout. See https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/16737
	oldRSs, cleanupCount, err := dc.cleanupUnhealthyReplicas(ctx, oldRSs, deployment, maxScaledDown)
	if err != nil {
		return false, nil
	logger.V(4).Info("Cleaned up unhealthy replicas from old RSes", "count", cleanupCount)

	// Scale down old replica sets, need check maxUnavailable to ensure we can scale down
	allRSs = append(oldRSs, newRS)
	scaledDownCount, err := dc.scaleDownOldReplicaSetsForRollingUpdate(ctx, allRSs, oldRSs, deployment)
	if err != nil {
		return false, nil
	logger.V(4).Info("Scaled down old RSes", "deployment", klog.KObj(deployment), "count", scaledDownCount)

	totalScaledDown := cleanupCount + scaledDownCount
	return totalScaledDown > 0, nil


// cleanupUnhealthyReplicas will scale down old replica sets with unhealthy replicas, so that all unhealthy replicas will be deleted.
func (dc *DeploymentController) cleanupUnhealthyReplicas(ctx context.Context, oldRSs []*apps.ReplicaSet, deployment *apps.Deployment, maxCleanupCount int32) ([]*apps.ReplicaSet, int32, error) {
	logger := klog.FromContext(ctx)
	// Safely scale down all old replica sets with unhealthy replicas. Replica set will sort the pods in the order
	// such that not-ready < ready, unscheduled < scheduled, and pending < running. This ensures that unhealthy replicas will
	// been deleted first and won't increase unavailability.

	totalScaledDown := int32(0)
	for i, targetRS := range oldRSs {
		if totalScaledDown >= maxCleanupCount {
		if *(targetRS.Spec.Replicas) == 0 {
			// cannot scale down this replica set.
		logger.V(4).Info("Found available pods in old RS", "replicaSet", klog.KObj(targetRS), "availableReplicas", targetRS.Status.AvailableReplicas)
		if *(targetRS.Spec.Replicas) == targetRS.Status.AvailableReplicas {
			// no unhealthy replicas found, no scaling required.
		//1. 初始化一个整型变量totalScaledDown为0,用于记录已缩容的ReplicaSet数量。
		//2. 遍历oldRSs中的每个ReplicaSet,使用索引i和目标ReplicaSet targetRS。
		//3. 如果totalScaledDown大于等于最大清理数量maxCleanupCount,则跳出循环。
		//4. 如果目标ReplicaSet的副本数量Spec.Replicas为0,则无法进行缩容操作,继续下一个循环。
		//5. 使用logger记录日志信息,表示在目标ReplicaSet中找到了可用的Pod。
		//6. 如果目标ReplicaSet的副本数量Spec.Replicas等于其可用副本数量Status.AvailableReplicas,则无需进行缩容操作,继续下一个循环。
		//7. 如果以上条件均不满足,则进行缩容操作,并更新totalScaledDown的值。

		scaledDownCount := min(maxCleanupCount-totalScaledDown, *(targetRS.Spec.Replicas)-targetRS.Status.AvailableReplicas)
		newReplicasCount := *(targetRS.Spec.Replicas) - scaledDownCount
		if newReplicasCount > *(targetRS.Spec.Replicas) {
			return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("when cleaning up unhealthy replicas, got invalid request to scale down %s/%s %d -> %d", targetRS.Namespace, targetRS.Name, *(targetRS.Spec.Replicas), newReplicasCount)
		_, updatedOldRS, err := dc.scaleReplicaSetAndRecordEvent(ctx, targetRS, newReplicasCount, deployment)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, totalScaledDown, err
		totalScaledDown += scaledDownCount
		oldRSs[i] = updatedOldRS
	return oldRSs, totalScaledDown, nil


// scaleDownOldReplicaSetsForRollingUpdate scales down old replica sets when deployment strategy is "RollingUpdate".
// Need check maxUnavailable to ensure availability
func (dc *DeploymentController) scaleDownOldReplicaSetsForRollingUpdate(ctx context.Context, allRSs []*apps.ReplicaSet, oldRSs []*apps.ReplicaSet, deployment *apps.Deployment) (int32, error) {
	logger := klog.FromContext(ctx)
	maxUnavailable := deploymentutil.MaxUnavailable(*deployment)

	// Check if we can scale down.
	minAvailable := *(deployment.Spec.Replicas) - maxUnavailable
	// Find the number of available pods.
	availablePodCount := deploymentutil.GetAvailableReplicaCountForReplicaSets(allRSs)
	if availablePodCount <= minAvailable {
		// Cannot scale down.
		return 0, nil
	logger.V(4).Info("Found available pods in deployment, scaling down old RSes", "deployment", klog.KObj(deployment), "availableReplicas", availablePodCount)


	totalScaledDown := int32(0)
	totalScaleDownCount := availablePodCount - minAvailable
	for _, targetRS := range oldRSs {
		if totalScaledDown >= totalScaleDownCount {
			// No further scaling required.
		if *(targetRS.Spec.Replicas) == 0 {
			// cannot scale down this ReplicaSet.
		// Scale down.
		scaleDownCount := min(*(targetRS.Spec.Replicas), totalScaleDownCount-totalScaledDown)
		newReplicasCount := *(targetRS.Spec.Replicas) - scaleDownCount
		if newReplicasCount > *(targetRS.Spec.Replicas) {
			return 0, fmt.Errorf("when scaling down old RS, got invalid request to scale down %s/%s %d -> %d", targetRS.Namespace, targetRS.Name, *(targetRS.Spec.Replicas), newReplicasCount)
		_, _, err := dc.scaleReplicaSetAndRecordEvent(ctx, targetRS, newReplicasCount, deployment)
		if err != nil {
			return totalScaledDown, err

		totalScaledDown += scaleDownCount

	return totalScaledDown, nil
